Training Program

Go Beyond the Limit’s (GBTL) training program will teach survivors of domestic violence how to become online entrepreneurs.

The training includes classes on entrepreneurship and social media marketing, as well as life coaching and counseling that are designed to heal the hearts of the survivors and address any wounds that may open up as the result of abuse.

The training will take place online on the TalentLMS platform, and GBTL will train up to 20 students per quarter totaling 80 students per year.

Donations and Grants

Donations and grants will go toward financing the training program, which include paying for the training platform, providing a salary for the training staff and board of directors.

The donations and grants will also pay for stipends that GBTL will offer the students as an incentive to complete the program, as well as provide them with some spending money. The students will receive a stipend per week for up to 18 weeks, which is the length of the training program.

Donations and grants will also purchase computers and software for the students that they can take with them upon leaving the shelter. GBTL will also work with corporations for donations of computer equipment, internet service, and utilities. GBTL will also work with housing authorities to provide safe housing.

GBTL will also help the graduates with launching their first home-based business. Donations and grants that GBTL receives will help to pay for the start-up costs.

To make a donation today to help GBTL transform the lives of these survivors, go here or use the Donorbox form to the right of this page. You can also give from the palm of your hand by texting Rebirth to 44321 or go here to donate via Givelify. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you and God bless!