Rita J. Cartwright Southern, CEO
My Story

My name is Rita J. Cartwright Southern, and I am a survivor of two physically abusive relationships. I know personally the mental detriment that comes along with physical abuse.

When I was 20 years old, my deceased husband would get overly intoxicated (drunk), come home and jump on me. He would beat me beyond recognition. This went on for nine months. His excuse for getting drunk was in order to sleep. He would regularly see himself in a casket; therefore, he couldn’t go to sleep unless he was intoxicated. It was a foreshadowing, because not long after he was murdered.

At the age of 22, I found myself in yet another abusive relationship. He was insanely jealous. He would accuse me of anyone and everyone. Even if I just glanced at a man, he would accuse me of having an affair with the person. I couldn’t do anything right according to him. Any little thing would set him off.

One day after seven months of this abusive relationship, I was bold (Holy Spirit gave me the boldness) enough to leave him and move back home, which was with my mom and grandmother. One late night, he kicked down my grandmother’s door in an attempt to kidnap me. Mom and Mother (my grandmother) began to pray, and sure enough he left. I never saw him again. The next news I received regarding him, he was murdered.

After two abusive relationships, I found myself having to rebuild my self-esteem and confidence in who I am as a person. Now, fast forward a few years, I am a thriving, educated entrepreneur and Christian business leader thanks be unto Father God.

Father gave me this vision of Go Beyond the Limit as a way to give back to my community, as well as a way to help rebuild the lives of His daughters who have suffered abusive relationships.

This is how Go Beyond the Limit was birthed, and this is my story. God bless!