For those of you who shop at Fry’s Food Stores, would you be willing to donate your V.I.P points to a good cause? Your points will be converted to a donation for Go Beyond the Limit training program for victims of abuse. Go here to learn more about my organization, Go Beyond the Limit: https://gobeyondthelimit.org.
Your donation will help to heal the brokenhearted, set the captives free, restore sight to the blind (a new perspective), and empower the downtrodden (oppressed).
To donate your points, go here: https://www.frysfood.com/topic/new-community-rewards-program and login to your account. (If you don’t have a Fry’s V.I.P online account, you can register on this same page. Make sure your Fry’s V.I.P card is linked to your account.) Scroll to the bottom, click Enroll Now, and search for Go Beyond the Limit and click Enroll. Thank you for your giving!